Monday, July 27, 2009

Highlights from Comic-Con

Hello, all!  So much happened at Comic-Con, lots of Bones tidbits given out.  Click on the following link to read up on some of the highlights from Emily Deschanel and Hart Hanson.  Everything I have read so far has made me really, really excited about Season 5.  Hope you all are, too.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Twitter Comments!

Thank you ForensicMama!

HH Says:

Back, safe at home from ComicCon. Emily was GREAT throughout. Spent time on the phone this morning describing EVERYTHING to DB. In detail.

Brennan would NEVER abandon Booth in a time of need! No spoiler in that, just basic character.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another Comic-Con tidbit

Hello, again.  I just watched a video someone at Comic-Con posted on's of Hart and Emil talking about the season premiere and Booth's state of mind.  In my previous post I said that HH has stated that Booth doesn't have amnesia.  He asked "Who are you?" when he woke up and saw Brennan because he wasn't sure which Brennan she was: Brennan his partner or Brennan his wife.  In the video from Comic-Con Hart remarks that Booth's mixed up feelings about Brennan may not really be the mark of confusion; rather, it might just be that he is finally "reading his heart correctly."  I just thought that was a verrryyyy juicy little morsel that I'd like to share the blog.  What does that tell us about how Booth may be conducting himself in the presence and/or pursuit of the fair Dr. Brennan?  

I'd like to thank ForensicMama for passing on so much of the Comic-Con info she has been getting on to her blog readers (i.e. MEEEE).  You rock, Mama!!!

Here is a link to the video in case anybody wants to check it out:

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Very First Blog (awwww)

Hellooooo, fellow Bones fans!  I'm Elena (aka BklynSquint) and this is my very first time as a blogger. ::hold for applause, hold for applause:: Thank you, thank you, you're all too kind.  So, this is a brand new blog started up by my blogging buddy BonesLover, and we are really hoping to catch a good following.  If you happen upon this blog and decide you like it please direct your fellow Bones fans this way.  We really love to talk about all things Bones, so come one, come all!  Bring your opinions and leave your non-Bones priorities at the door.  =OP

Ok, so, I'm going to tell you readers right now that some of my blogs MAY CONTAIN SEASON 5 SPOILERS!  Sorry, I don't mean to yell, but I want to make extra sure that everyone is aware of that so I don't inadvertently ruin things for anyone.  I will, however, do my best to warn you if a certain post contains spoilers.

Well, as you all may or may not know, Comic-Con is going on in San Diego as we speak.  In case you don't know what that means, Comic-Con is basically a convention during which various tv shows send ambassadors to talk with fans and reporters alike about said shows.  This year Hart Hanson (executive producer of Bones) and Emily Deschanel were there to represent Bones.  Wooot woooot Bones in the hizzoooouse!!! Sorry, the word "represent" triggered that.  David Boreanaz was scheduled to appear but his wife is due to give birth to their 2nd child (a girl) very soon, so he didn't want to be too far away just in case.  Can I stop for a moment to say how much my love for that man grows by the minute? SIGH.  Be mine, mine.  <3

Alright, back to business.  Though I would LOVE to be at Comic-Con, I'm not, but I have managed to get some scoopage on Season 5 direct from Hart and Emily.  Ok, those of you living spoiler-free, you might not want to read on because though I am not going to give away anything major, some info about season 5 is on its way. You've been warned. =)

Spoiler #1:  When asked about the future of Brennan and Booths's torrid relationship, Hart Hanson was, predictably, vague and non-committal (ugh, what's new?).  He says that though he does know for sure if those two will get together for real or not he is not about to reveal his plans.  He says it's penciled in, whatever that means.  Um, is there actually a dilemma here about whether or not they will get together?  If us fans suffer through at least the contracted 6 seasons of this undeniable love between these two just to have them NOT get together at some point...holy cow, that man will be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  Come on, Hanson, don't even try to toy with our emotions here.  They belong know it, they know it, we know it, Sweets knows it, even Gordon Gordon knows it!  Now, am I saying they need to get together this season and then stay together surrounded by rainbows and sunshine for all time?  No, definitely not.  I LOVE the undeniable sexual tension between them and I get that it needs to be carefully preserved because keeping that tension between them alive is really in the show's best interest.  However, I do think that things between them need to go beyond their deep and prolonged gazing into one another's eyes and conversations Freud would have a field day with...and it needs to happen this season!  I am continually frustrated that their one and only kiss happened 2 seasons ago...and it only happened because Bones was blackmailed into it!  I'm not saying that I'm even looking to have them rip each other's clothes off and lock themselves in a bedroom for days on end (not that I would protest that).  I'm all for the slow burn but I think Hart Hanson is taking things a bit too slowly here.  Step it up, Hanson, step it up.

Spoiler #2: The season premiere picks up 6 weeks after the season finale.  Brennan has just returned from Guatemala and Booth is still a bit dazed and confused following his brain surgery.  In recent days, Hart Hanson has said that Booth does NOT have amnesia...he hasn't forgotten who Brennan is, but his coma-induced alternate reality has him all shook up.  He asked her who she was not because he didn't remember her but because he wasn't sure whether she was his wife or his partner.  The brain surgery had him alllll sorts of befuddled.  According to a summary of the upcoming season from Fox, Booth will be very confused about his relationship with and feelings for Brennan for much of this season.  What he experienced while in a coma really sends him into a tailspin and may just be enough to encourage him to woo the good doctor.  Brennan, on the other hand, is scared poopless by the feelings for Booth she experienced and finally, in her way, acknowledged while he was in that coma.  Her response is to throw herself back into her work, full steam ahead, while attempting to push those feelings back deep down inside of her where they came from in the first place.  She is too afraid to take that leap with Booth just yet...she knows those feelings are there...we saw what she wrote about how loving someone can give you wings...she is just too afraid of losing him and her heart in one fell swoop. So her solution is to ignore her feelings and distract herself with logic and science. This fits with what Hart revealed about Brennan's trip to Guatemala.  Running off to Guatemala is exactly what I expected of Brennan...of course she took a trip to this far away place where she couldn't be reached...she is trying to hide from Booth and her feelings for him.  I have a feeling she will continue to do so for a bulk of the season while Booth tries his darndest to change her mind.

Spoiler #3: According to recent Tweets from Hart Hanson, the Gravedigger will be back this season. Her trial is beginning, which means Brennan, Booth, and Hodgins will have to relive their experiences with the GD. If you loyal viewers remember the episode in which Brennan and Hodgins were buried alive by the GD, you will probably remember that Hodgins encouraged her to write a note to someone in case they didn't make it.  Though Brennan obliged, we never found out what she wrote and to whom she addressed her note.  Hart Hanson recently revealed that the note may come up during the trial.  In addition, a unnamed source from the show says that Brennan and Booth will make major progress in their relationship this big step they take will come just in time for November sweeps period.  So, I'm wondering if the GD trial takes place in November. Perhaps testifying at GD's trial plunges Booth and Brennan into some deep emotional turmoil.  Remember that Cpl. Parker's ghost asked Booth if there was every anyone he loved but never told so...Booth paused and we know he was thinking of Bones at that moment.  Maybe this trial will remind him of that thought...maybe the note will surface and force Brennan to confront her feelings for Booth.  Maybe they will actually have a conversation about their feelings for each other that doesn't get interrupted by Angela, Hodgins, et al.  Maybe none of this will happen and I'm just living in a fantasy world.  I guess we won't know until we get there, right?

Ok, so Season 5 is about a month and a half away.  I'm too lazy to count the days.  I have really high hopes for this season.  I'm 99.9999% sure there will be no sex this season...well, actual sex and not coma dream, if you're holding your breath for that to happen...well, just don''ll pass out.  I just have this feeling that HH is gonna do all he can to give us barely enough to keep us satisfied but just enough to keep us coming back for more. He's a crafty little bugger, that man is.  My #1 hope is to see them get some feelings out in the open...share some private moments that actually go uninterrupted...I'd love a few stolen kisses (ps one is rumored to go down in the premiere after Booth saves Brennan from a crazy dude with a knife to her throat...Hart says it was "scripted" but he can't confirm if it's for real or if it was a plant to identify leaks...darn him again!)...a romantic dance or two. I'm okay with no sex, I really am...I'm okay with them not being a couple just yet, for real!  I just want to see them make some PROGRESS this year...actual, honest-to-goodness, emotional breakthroughs!  

What do you all hope to see happen this season on Bones?  


I have a site (provided by Yola) that I also talk about Bones. Check it out if you want!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Show List for Season 5!

I have found 4 of the next episodes, and their airdates!

5.1 - "Harbingers In the Fountain"
Airdate - Sept. 17

5.2 - "The Bond in the Boot"
Airdate - Sept. 24

5.3 - "The Plain in the Prodigy"
Airdate - Oct. 1

5.4 - "The Tough Man in the Tinderbox"
Airdate - Oct. 8

Now.....take a peak at 5.3......

"The Plain in the PRODIGY"

Now, what's the definition of prodigy?

1. somebody with exceptional talent: somebody who shows an exceptional talent at an early age
2. something marvelous: something very impressive or amazing


Zach is a prodigy! So that's my ONE prediction.

Or maybe....


So there's 2 predictions. Agree? Disagree? Have your OWN ideas? Comment it!

Loooong Chat, And still going!

Me and this girl Elena (I'm BonesLover, btw.) have been chatting for a while over CIG (Chaos In General), a blog on this site. It contains a looong line of posts about Bones and such, and what we hope for the new season. Check it out!

Scroll down to the first post Elena writes, and continue reading as long as you like! We're still going, so check back every once in a while for new posts!

P.S.- Check out CIG while you're at it. It's a great blog!

*waves* :)

Welcome to Squint Central! This is my first post ever! Woot!

Evevyone knows when the next Bones episode is coming on, right? Sept. 17, 'Harbingers in the Fountain'. Apparently, as of what HH says, (And we know how wonderfully truthful he is! -_-) there will be a rescue and a kiss, as I know I've been waiting for soooooo much! Bones will get stuck in a dangerous situation, Booth saves her, and they have a romantic kiss at the scene.

We know we all want this to happen.

But will it end up a lie? Is it too good to be true?

We have 57 days until we find out.