Sunday, January 3, 2010


Holy crap. First off, I wanna say sorry for not being on more, and second, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Third.....

Booth has taken the first step!

What is this, you ask?


In the episode where Booth's grandfather came into his life again, an entire paragraph on him later, Booth acknowledges Brennan's necklace and says it's nice. That miniscule little complement means he's moving forward! Deny it all you want, Hart, It's true!

Now, Grandpappy time. We met Booth's grandfather, who had some choice words for Brennan. He explained how he was the reason Booth's father left Booth. How he told Booth's father he was unfit to take care of a son and that he needed to leave. Booth's dad, of course, listened and left. Grandpappy also trusted Brennan with telling Booth when he was ready. And that she would need to comfort him. How sweet, right? And also, Grandpappy sets a fire in Booth's house and makes grilled cheese. Yum.

Now, I'd love to go on, but I have a headache and need to give my mom her laptop back. :) Bye for now, more posts coming!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Wow, so it's been a while since my last post! I kept meaning to sit down and write something but I have been a very busy girl. Plus, episodes2-4 of Bones were good but nothing to really write home about, you know. Though I wasn't thrilled with those episodes, I kept telling myself to just be patient and along comes episode 5, A Night at the Bones Museum. As a Bones fan, you gotta know that anytime any other potential love interest is floating around an episode there are gonna be some good angsty Brennan/Booth moments...and boy howdy, did we ever get one at the end of that episode!!! I'm hoping that right there is where this season really takes flight.

You can't deny that Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz have chemistry like WHOA! That scene made me blush, gave me heart palpitations, and had my toes joke, it was hot, readers. The body language in that scene spoke volumes, especially on Brennan's part. I thought Emily did a fabulous job in that scene; she really brought Brennan's feelings for Booth to the surface, not just with what Brennan had to say but with how she said it. I LOVED how she looked like she got caught red-handed when Booth asked her why she brought him to the party and not Andrew...cute, very cute.I LOVED how she was throwing him those doe eyes, looking him up and down, doing that kinda, sorta whispering thing. It was hot and Booth couldn't resist. He did his Booth thing...gulping, stuttering, smiling nervously...and almost going for it, but not quite. Perhaps he would have had he not been conveniently interrupted by a certain group of Squints. Is that a running joke or something? Every time those two have come close to kissing for real leave it to a Squint to barge in and kill the moment. Methinks it might be time for HH to think of a new interruption...a falling anvil perhaps? OR, how 'bout this, NO INTERRUPTION AT ALL!!! Imagine the possibilities...

That final scene reminded me so much of the last scene in The Truth in the Lye. In both scenes the UST was through the roof...ridiculous amounts of eye sex going on...Brennan giving Booth the green light to go for it...Booth getting all flustered and shy...and, finally, an interruption by the Squints. That last scene in Lye remains one of my top 5 B&B UST scenes to date...and this one sits up there in rank, as well. I have watched it, oh, about 17 times so far...possibly more, actually. The whole scene is...well, it's electric. I can't get enough of it and I'm planning on using it as my lifeline to carry me through to November.

So, where do we go from here? Though I know HH is trying to stretch out this UST between them for as long as humanly possible, I think we are going to have a breakthrough sooner than later. I feel like there are a lot of holes in that wall that's been placed between them for so long now...the more holes there are the more stuff will start to leak through...and, eventually, the whole wall will just come crumbling down. I know the whole Gravedigger trial is supposed to be coming up for November sweeps period. I'm predicting that a lot of what Brennan went through in that car and a lot of what she was thinking about as she lingered so close to death is going to come to the surface. Now, whether or not HH imagined it this way back in Season 2 when Brennan was buried alive, it would fit perfectly if we were to find out that she thought she was going to die without getting to tell Booth how she felt about him. That's where that legendary note comes into play. If indeed the contents of that note are revealed in the upcoming Gravedigger story arc I think there is going to be significant progress made with these two. Of course, there are many more twists and turns and bumps in the road ahead for Brennan and Booth, but I'm hoping that they at least start to go down the road we all want them to be on before this season is over.

I know HH is hesitant to fool with the UST they've got going on bc of the whole fabled 'Moonlighting' effect blah blah blaaaahhhh, but there is so much untapped potential just waiting there if he DOES get them together soon. I mean, I know I would LOVE to see them try to keep things a secret, figure out how to work together and be together, and just see them TOGETHER having private moments...keep the eye sex but have some actual sex already. Geez, even Parker knows his pop needs a good woman around!!! Booth knows he needs Bones, too, and I love that he is so sweet and shy around her. He's so in love with her but I want him to be a little more aggressive...and, you know, I think Brennan wants that, too. She wants him to spell it out for her so she is secure in following her own heart, which she won't do unless she knows he's 100% for real...basically what Cam told Booth back in Harbingers. Man up, Booth and GO FOR IT!!! She was giving you the go ahead sign (again)'s time you took it...seriously...just do it...kiss the girl!

But I digress...I have to accept that I am not in charge of this doesn't matter how many times I Tweet Mr. Hanson begging for some scraps to be thrown this fangirl's way. Things will unfold as he wants them to and I am doing my best to trust that he will do right by these two and by the fans who so desperately want them to get together. I wonder if he realizes the reason the ratings have risen so much so far this season is because the UST is at a fever pitch....and you know what the only cure for that fever is??? MORE KISSING, DAMMIT!!!

Here endeth the rant.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


*waves* Hola. Sorry for the gap in posting, busy busy life. :)

Now....who else was devastated at the end of the latest episode?

The classic silence, the slight lean inwards....all set up for that wonderful kiss you know we all want. Then....

Sweets, Cam, Angela and Daisy ruin it.

Screw them....

*silently apologizes* I just hate it when that happens! They get us all psyced for the kiss with the classics, then make someone interupt. Why, Hart? WHY....?

On a happier note, we have seen a new side of Brennan. THE FANGIRL. We actually saw her squee. So I wasn't imagining! She has changed! NYEH!

And Daisy is back. In my opinion, my intern pick is Wendell. And if that doesn't happen, Vince. Then Clark, then Fisher....THEN Daisy. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way. I don't like her. Why? I don't know. I just DON'T LIKE HER.

Maybe it's because of the fem/male balance. I just don't think there's any more room for another girl. Brennan, Angela, Cam - Booth, Hodgins, Male Intern. Yes, Sweets, but he's not in th lab, so I dissmiss him from my scale. Sorry, bud.

Maybe it's because she's so mean to Sweets sometimes. She has an ATTITUDE.

And Maybe it's her girly-ness. Never been a girly girl, never will be.

Skipping back an episode, who else thinks Parker's face paint was EPIC? ME!!!

*yawns* Getting late, must stop typing.....night. :)


Friday, September 18, 2009

HITF Review- BonesLover


This is my review of Harbingers in the Fountain. I'm sure Elena will be making one, as well.

Let's start with a little game- Hart VS Viewers!

The season premiere was just awesome. One for Hart!

It fulfilled ALMOST ALL the spoilers! One for Hart!

There was NO KISS & NO REAL ROMANCE. One for Viewers!

The almost kiss wasn't even meant for the lips! One for Viewers!

Booth. LIKES. CLOWNS. 1,429,610 points for Viewers!

We pwn Hart.


The episode made me squeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Cyndi Lauper did an amazing job as the psychic. The beginning scene was so wonderfully done.

"I see a sick man in the hospital. He takes refuge in a dream life. You're there, in the dream, and you're helping him to create that dream life by telling him a story. You're both so happy in the story, so happy it's almost sad when he wakes up."

After some convo, she follows with:

"The man whose life you saved is really excited to see you again."

Avalon is deeeeeep. :)

Ok, so we know Cyndi Lauper can totally act. Now let's focus on the main characters.

Booth Overview

Overall Change Rating: 80%

Booth is way different, don't you think? It's actually a little scary.

Type of Change #1- Clothing

No more Cocky.....:( And no more flashy ties. At least we got the socks back, though! We always loved Booth's fashion sense, from the rainbow ties to belt buckles that are used to blow up things, he knows how to pick em. Now, they've disappeared in that bruised brain of his, and we fear we'll never see them again.

Type Of Change #2- Speech

H-He's t-talking l-like th-this. We hear Booth stuttering and repeating things constantly in HITF. Take the 2nd scene, for example.

"You are now fit for duty."

"I'm fit for duty!"

See? So sad.

Type Of Change #3- CLOWNS.

He likes clowns.

'Nuff said.

There's just a few. We know he's changing, but he's still the same old Booth deep inside...right?

Brennan Overview

Overall Change Rating: 4%

Yes, not much.

But she has been different- She's becoming more adept at the social thing. Like, she seems to chat. Like, yes, she's still literal, but it seems since season 4 she's taken a step forward. I might just be imagining things. I tend to do that. :)

THERE YOU HAVE IT! Bones Season 5 premiere in a nutshell. Thanks for reading!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Oh, how I love Youtube.

This is a video describing the entire team. Apparently, it's a promo, even though I haven't seen it on my television. It's hilarious! Amazing, amazing video. Make sure to watch it!